Thursday, 17 December 2009

Prepare your child for school

‘A terrific book – immensely practical and soundly based – both parents and professional will find it useful (as well as a good read)’.
(Professor Sir Micheal Rutter the UK’s leading Child Psychiatrist)

‘For any parent of a pre-schooler, wanting your child to cope (and enjoy) their first experience of school is natural. This book is helpful without being judgmental and has easy to follow practical ideas for helping your child along. In particular I have a 3 year old daughter who is more than comfortable with basic maths, and has started to read, but is less at home in making friends and socializing. The suggestions in the book will help her to make friends at primary school, and help her to feel she fits in, without suppressing her personality or expecting her to conform too much’

(Parent writing on Amazon)

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